Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Blessings Cont...

Blessing #2 - My Husband

First and foremost I want to thank God for making this man giving me the opportunity to meet him and promise forever to him.
I fell in love with Steve over all others because he listened to me when no one else did. When I say listen, I don't mean that he sat quietly, while I talked, and nodded and said "yup." I mean he really listened, and heard, and remembered pretty much everything I said to him, even the small stuff. It doesn't seem like much but I assumed it meant that he truly cared about what I had to say to him. And, let's face it, that is a quality that is hard to come by. Through the years Steve has become my rock. I find myself going to him with everything, happy and not so happy. Things that I never even thought of sharing with a man, I rush home to tell him about. No matter what I am doing, if I am not with him, I miss him. He has literally fulfilled me and made my life complete. He accepted me for who I am. He accepted my two cats who, until I met him, had been my world. (Don't judge me.) and even allowed me to add another into the mix. (Rampage McMurderface.) We've started a beautiful life together, in a beautiful new duplex and we have grown so close that I couldn't imagine not having him by my side. I couldn't ask for a better husband and friend. There is not another man on this planet I would rather father my children. Forever is just not long enough, but I am so blessed to have at least that.


  1. I LOVE YOU!!!!!! And you know I am here for you! I love you and I can not wait to help you on this journey! I mean if you want me too and such! heehee...
    I cant wait to read and read and read! and we need to get you a button!

  2. Love you too!! And of course I want you on this journey with me! Thank you so much for reading love! <3

  3. I knew Steve before he "knew" you. Before he ever mentioned your name. The first time he told me about you I responded with, "So, when's the wedding?" Do you know what he said? "I probably WILL end up marrying her." No smile, no sarcasm, no joke. Just serious and thoughtful. I cried for such joy the day you two got married. I watched him when you appeared in the doorway before walking down the aisle and the peace and love on his face was beautiful. He's never been a better person than when he's with you and I love you for that. I also love you for you and am so happy you've found your life long love.

  4. Thanks Katy! You have been such a great friend to both of us and we love you for that. <3

  5. I found you through Denise. I'm so glad you found someone so wonderful. I feel the same way about my boyfriend. He's raising my daughter whose father(my husband)abandoned her at 4 days old and we just had twins together 3 months ago. It's a great feeling to have someone so wonderful.

  6. When you find the right one it is like fireworks on the 4th of July, nothing else can match it. Congrats!

  7. Looks like you've discovered that, "The best things in life are not things". Best wishes.

    Angela Rhodes Krause

  8. Thank you all so much! I am so blessed to have such sweet followers. It is so true, the best things in life are not things. And I pray that everyone will someday have the chance to experience the love that I experience every time I look at Steve. Thank you all for reading. <3

  9. aw that's beautiful.. i hope i find a man like that! i'm also the same way about my cats lol. :)

  10. lol. Thanks Collifornia. You will enjoy my new post then, it is all about my cats lol.
